"As long as you're breathing, you're not out of ink!"~Meshea
Each life begins as a book of blank pages. I believe that we all have the tendency to share with other within our own niches--our own groups, belief systems, organizations, etc.--yet still we expect those outside of these niches to understand us, agree with us, share our interests, etc. When we do decide to share with "others", we tend to give them "facts", often failing to inspire them to want to know more. Why? What is missing? The humanization. The personalization. The STORY! Telling our story means letting people in, letting our walls down, opening ourselves up, etc. That can be scary. Many of us have been hurt from doing so. However, it is what we are here to do and the risk is worth it. We grow each time we share and we help others. We do not always see it. In fact, we may never see it sometimes, but whether you call it a "God-thing" or "good energy"--whatever you believe--it is true. Someone whose own story is regarding history may be inspired by another whose story is about music. One thing is for sure, you will not get new people interested in your topic if you only talk to those already interested in your topic. So, share your story--whatever it is--with everyone, but also be willing to listen to and share the stories of others! I truly believe you will be glad you did. I know I always have been! ~Meshea "My story is not over yet! Neither is yours! Keep writing! Keep LIVING!" ~Meshea "Your life, your story! WRITE YOURSELF A GREAT ONE!" ~Meshea |