I was everything you were looking for 'til all of a sudden I just wasn't...I'm Not Gonna Beg You...7/4/2019
So why did I have to be told? Why do we let outside forces rob us of our joys? Why do we ever stop being WHO we are? Whether it is in justLIFE or fibroLIFE, the answer is, at least in part, that we all need to be approved of, loved, accepted, and acknowledged. Whether it is something you love doing or having Fibromyalgia, we often find ourselves judged harshly and feeling condescended to, unwanted, and rejected. Who we are just is not good enough anymore. The truth is, if that is the case, we were never “good enough” in their eyes to begin with. The problem is with them—not us! I wrote this song years ago, but like any good country song, its message transcends music genre and time: I’m Not Gonna Beg You to Love Me (Special thanks to Roman & Cally for their help in this recording!) I hope you enjoy it as you get to actually know who I am: I AM Meshea. This is a big part of who I am and I am proud of it. I have not done much of it lately so the pipes are a bit rusty, but I will get them back in shape--I am determined! This is what makes me HAPPY! Who are You? Who is the YOU that is happy? No, we cannot always be all that we want to be, but we can always be all that we can be… Minimize the fibro! Maximize the LIFE! Everyday! ~Meshea
January 2020