A fibro-FRIENDLY Christmas
When you have any chronic illness, holidays are usually difficult. This is especially true with Fibromyalgia (FMS). Chronic illness, again including FMS, is also hard on the wallet, and the holidays are as well! In today’s economy, this is even more so than in years past. With these things in mind, I decided to take a new look at how those with FMS could decrease stress this year. I have combined the considerations of stress, energy, pain, fatigue, expense, and what the holidays…and family and friends…are really all about. Holidays involve family visits, big dinners and or parties, and gift-giving. As if those things alone are not enough, they do not “just happen” without a lot of prep-time…a lot of energy, thought, work, etc. We want our homes “company-clean” and decorated. We want to serve everyone’s favorite dish. We want to see the look on a loved one’s face when they open their gift and it is just exactly what they wanted! Healthy people are usually worn out pulling all of this off, let alone trying to do it when you have FMS! None-the-less, we who have FMS perhaps want even more than those who are healthy to make the holidays special; extra special because we know our fibro-live imposes upon their lives, making them also fibro-lives. But with FMS, how does one ever pull off the successful holiday we envision? Well, first of all…we do not. We have to accept that in truth picture-perfect-holidays are just that: pictures! Once we have done that, we set some realistic goals, and with some “out-of- the-gift-box-thinking”, we can achieve them! What exactly is this “out-of-the-gift-box-thinking”? (Shamelessly, the pun is most certainly intended!) I am suggesting that you combine the chores that need to be done and the gifts that are to be given to create a less expenses and less stressful holiday for all! Suggest that rather than buying you gifts, your family and friends “do” something for you as their gift this year! Suggestions:
The possibilities are endless and we would love to hear of any you come up with! Also, we want to know how well our ideas work for you! Please share your fibro-FRIENDLY Christmas results and ideas with us after the holidays! Have a Merry fibro-CHRISTMAS and a Happy, Happy New fibro-YEAR ! Blessings on you and your fibroLIFE! ~Meshea Crysup, Founder/Director of fibroLIFE www.MesheaCrysup.com [email protected] Originally published in Oct of 2012.
1 Comment
Jean Owen
12/23/2014 01:32:17 am
Hello glad you are still here (on line). Glad you are Happy. will miss you Bye for now
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