One of the hardest things about having Fibromyalgia (FMS) is that I always seem to be beginning again, and again, and again, and again... I not only find it frustrating, but also humiliating. After all, if I am fed up with writing about "beginning...again..." how much more fed up must my readers be of reading that I am "beginning...again..."? I have actually allowed this to become my excuse over the past few month for not beginning to begin again...again. That excuse can no longer stand however; not if I am true to myself. If my goal is to truly LIVE my fibroLIFE before all of you to help each of you LIVE your fibroLIFE, then I must bite the bullet, swallow my pride, pick myself up, and dust myself off, again, and begin again, again. Why? Because I know, all too well, that many of you face this exact struggle, and I want you to know that you are not alone, or lazy, or crazy, or any of those other negative thoughts that come to mind when you find yourself needing to begin again, again. You are NOT the only one! Why does this happen to us? First of all, this is not limited to just those of us with FMS. Many other people face the same problem, for a variety of reasons, so that in itself should give us a sense of not feeling like the only ones! For us in particular however, it is yet again another nature of the beast we LIVE with. Having a routine, being dependable, being consistent, etc. are just not possible for us because FMS refuses to adapt to a routine, to allow us to be well enough to be somewhere or do something as we have planned dependably, or to behave consistently in our body's in order for us to behave consistently in the world. What can we do about it? You all know I am all about being real with you; there is no new mega-potion, no magic beans...there is just fibroBASICS. We have to take care of ourselves in order to optimize our health, minimize our flares, or at the very least, help them not be as bad or last as long. We have to prioritize what we are going to do, and stick to. We can not allow others to "guilt" us into adding things to our list, using up our limited "good energy". And when we do get behind from fatigue, fog, pain, anxiety, etc., we have to remember that we are not the only one facing this. It is just the way our minds work! We feel better knowing we are NOT the only one! The simple incident this morning with the man and his paper reminded me of that. I am not the only one that fibro knocks off track. Those of you who have FMS understand, therefore it is safe for me to begin again, again. Maybe in doing so, I will even inspire some of you to do the same! Ironically, this post was much longer. However, when I was doing the picture with the story about the man and his paper, something happened at the blog site and I lost everything I had written. Yes, exactly: I had to begin Beginning Again, and Again, and Again...again! You just cannot make this stuff up folks! Good material! I'll be here all week! LIVING my fibroLIFE and hoping to help you LIVE yours too! Meshea
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January 2020