Recently, while posting pictures of our new home on facebook, a friend, and fellow fibroLIFE Blogger, Kim Warren-Jennings, reminded me to go at a "fibro pace". I appreciated the reminder, although we both know it was a classic case of the "Pot calling Kettle black", for Ms. Kim moved in 2014, and expected to have 3 months of packing all put away in a few days! So, Pot was not just reminding Kettle...Pot was speaking from recent experience, and Kettle is indeed appreciative of her thoughtfulness, encouragement, and understanding!
In truth, the past few weeks have been draining, and today I am taking an "off day", at the advise of my wise Hubby, Darren Crysup, who shares my fibroLIFE, and therefore is greatly affected by my decisions. (Something we must keep in mind when we are doing, over-doing, or even under-doing and not doing! Another blog topic perhaps...?) Back to taking an "off day"... Anyone who knows me will know that an "off day" to me does not mean I am doing nothing. Those days are "down days", meaning Fibromyalgia has knocked me down for a bit and I am not able to be up and doing. (Yes, even a Fibromyalgia Patient-Expert has those days...another blog topic...?) Back to taking an "off day"... Well, you see how my mind works! I am constantly thinking, hitting on topics to write about, developing ideas in my mind, etc. Also, I hate messes or for things to be left undone. So, taking an "off day", for me, looks something like this: I have laundry going. I have taken Cally for a short walk. I have had my shower, done my hair and make up, etc. I am writing a blog post. I will put laundry up later...but that will probably be after a nap, at Cally's insistence, of course. ;-D It may sound like I am still doing a lot, but it is all slow paced, no stress, etc. I am actually ignoring the harder tasks such as the boxes that surround me, unpacked, the books and files that need organized, and the pictures and wall-hangings that have yet to be placed and hung. Not only am I ignoring them, but I am pretty much OK with doing so...which is very hard for me to believe! It has only taken me 49 years of life to learn that not everything has to be done immediately or perfectly! I cannot help but wonder how much better my health would be now had I learned to LIVE at a slower pace many years ago. I cannot help but think my FMS might not be as severe had I let go, at least to some degree, of being a perfectionist long before my body and mind lost the ability to be one! I cannot help but wonder how much easier my husband's life, my family's life, my friends' lives...might have been if I had always LIVED a fibro paced life. If I had listened to my body years ago, when I was still just a child...hurting, anxious, stressed, tense, and afraid... how much more LIFE would I have enjoyed by living a fibro paced LIVING at a fibroLIFE pace? Well, regardless of what I might suppose, there is no going back to do things differently. I can, however, control how I proceed from this day forward. I am thankful for the lessons I have learned, even though they were hard and involved literally collapsing at work, and pushing myself to the point of being unable to even care for myself. I was just existing then; miserable and feeling like a failure. As hard as I had always worked, as much as I had accomplished, and as involved as I was in so many aspects of life, I ended up miserable and just existing. I am thankful that at least I learned before I was 50 to LIVE at a fibroLIFE pace. I am thankful that, in spite of having FMS, I am happy...with goals, hopes, and dreams...really LIVING...LIVING...EMBRACING my fibroLIFE. My hope is that each of you are doing the same. If is never too long as you are can start NOW...and we are here to help you...I am here to help you...for doing just that is one of the best parts of LIVING my fibroLIFE! Blessings all! Meshea Crysup
Kim Warren-Jennings
12/27/2014 08:35:40 am
Love you sister fibro warrior! Yes I am the Pot who pushed it way to hard and paid the price. Guess what? Those left boxes were there when I got to them and no one died from them being there lol. Take care of you. Love and gentle hugs!
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January 2020