![]() Part 3 of this ongoing series is about a very non-pleasant but all-too-real issue for many people, not just those of us with FMS: CONSTIPATION This is actually a topic that is discussed a lot.
Toxins Whether or not the body is retaining and reabsorbing toxins when we are constipated is a highly debated topic in the world of All-Things-Medical. As with most things, I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Certainly, the colon is designed to hold fecal material, therefore it is unlikely to fail at this unless it ruptures. On the other hand, if the colon has too hold hardened stool too long, in large amounts, or both, it seems reasonable to believe it can become overloaded—pun really not intended that time—and possibly fail at keeping bacteria or toxins from being reabsorbed back into the body. For this reason, I do think we cannot dismiss that such reabsorption of harmful substances back into the body could certainly cause a fibro flare. Strain and Discomfort No need to see what the experts have to say on this one! We all know what it is like to have to strain to have a bowl movement. It can cause healthy people to be sore or feel exhausted, not to mention that this particular type of strain can lead to issues with heart! (I will not get into the physiology of this here, but the term if you are interested is Vagal Nerve Stimulation and it causes the heart to slow down, leads to heart attacks while on the toilet….) The Actual Causes of the Constipation Themselves Ironically—or perhaps just tellingly—some of the causes of constipation are things that can cause fibro flares in and of themselves!
We all know that many of our medications causes constipation as well. When we are in a flare, we tend to take more of some meds, therefore being in a flare can increase the likelihood of becoming constipated, thus forming a vicious cycle… Avoiding Constipation Many of the keys to this are actually covered above already, but some have not.
Was this “Not-so-Obvious-Cause…” a surprise to you or had you already identified it for yourself? What suggestions or tips do you have to help avoid constipation? I look forward to hearing from each of you! Everyone else is talking about it, so we might as well too! Do not be shy! ;-) Meshea Crysup, fibroLIFE
10/22/2016 09:18:03 am
I have IBSD and suffer from both mostly from direaha and constipation. I have to be very careful what I eat. I can't eat No raw veggies and fruit. Everything has to be cooked. The Dr told me the fibro has spread to my colon. So my colon is always sore to the touch.
Lisa Korba
2/15/2018 12:52:20 pm
I had no clue this could cause a flare! I was having issues for 5-7 days not even close to "going". I have herniated & bulging discs in my lumbar & cervical spine along with nerve compression, my neck is cerved the wrong way, osteoarthritis all over my whole back, my fibro was diagnosed before my back issues started. I have hashimotos thyroid, underactive thyroid that's brand new, bipolar the meds help the manic, nothing helps the depression side of it. I take so much meds, and I ate too many pieces of cheese my hubby smoked that caused the constipation. I started flaring the day before yesterday getting worse as the days go on, I Google to find out if it can cause a flare and yours was the only article I could find that answered my question and you explained why. Thank you ❤
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