![]() Well here I am on week two of struggling just to stay awake long enough to get out of bed and awake long enough to eat something and go to the bathroom. My FMS and CFS are roaring loudly. My body is on a 4am to 3pm sleep pattern, if not continuously around the clock. I never was a day napper, even with the Fibro, unless the CFS kicked in. I would have to take plenty of rest periods and my sleep pattern has always been insane. I normally can just push on but these two weeks have basically shut me down mind, body, and soul. What do I think caused this????? Back in mid July I made a huge move to the outer area of Nashville, TN, with my daughter who is attending college. Nothing went right about this apartment hunt. Thank God for family. I packed my whole house myself. I helped my family pack the U-Haul. That night my daughter and I cleaned the old rental, including shampooing carpets. The next morning I'm up at 6 am to drive the three hours to my new place, which was still having carpet installed when we arrived. More stress!!!! So the family goes to eat and I'm stressing out. They come back and it's done and we all unload the U-Haul. I'm finally to the point that I'm carrying boxes with tears rolling down my face. It's finally done. I just ask my dad and brother to please put my adjustable bed together while I am putting my daughter's bed together. We sleep. The next day, I wake up to boxes on top of boxes and furniture on top of furniture, and in my mind, I have to get this apartment put together in two days or else. After all, that's how I used to work. I'm literally about to kill myself until my precious daughter looks me in the eye and says, "You are trying to undo in two days what it took you three months to pack. Stop!!!!!" But I was on an adrenaline high. I did slow down some though, but only because there are a few pieces of furniture we need and can't afford yet. So yes, I still have some boxes sitting here, there, and yonder, and I haven't died from them being there yet. My message to all of you, after all of that, if you are still reading, is: Don't push too hard on your good days or it will catch up with you and you will pay the piper. I know sometimes it can't be helped, but try to pace and take good care of you. I'm so sick of this bed when my mind has a million things it wants to do. But I abused the ole FMS body and it kicked in the CFS, finally letting me know it needs a long rest. Blessings and soft hugs❤ Kim Warren-Jennings fibroLIFE Blogger
Serena Wilcox
9/20/2014 08:39:31 pm
Sweetheart I have the same pormbles and my daughter she does the Sam thing to me. But I have OCD so it takes a lot for me to stop. But it all put me down like that to sometimes. Your body is telling you you need to stop and rest. And when it's done you'll be ok. It's so hard living with all of these things we have. But we rest and move on,cause if we just stopped we'd never move again. And I don't have time for that with being a officer wife in the army. So you just rest and give you body and mind time to heal. And sleep. And if you would like to talk I'm here to listen.
9/21/2014 01:41:54 am
Oh Serena so sorry you have to deal with this too. I'm slowly improving each day now but being careful not to push too soon. Still requiring much rest. Many thanks to your family for your service to our country. God bless!
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January 2020