First and foremost, WELCOME BACK TRACY!
Ok, that said...what is the difference between the Fibro Life facebook Page and the LIVING a fibroLIFE Blog? Obviously, the name, but that was not by choice. fb simply refused to let me use the letter combination of "fibroLIFE" and insisted on it being like it is now...Fibro is just the way it is. Secondly, I no longer simply use "fibroLIFE". Since I have had to figure out how to do this part of it all on my own...meaning without co-director Kathy Keeney who is doing GREAT work as Director of the St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store in Paducah, KY...I wanted to change the name enough to identify that things have changed but to still be recognized by those who knew us before...thus the new website, blog, etc. Third, and the biggest difference, Tracy or Meshea...and boy is that ever a big one! Tracy manages most of the content and interactions on the facebook page and I cannot thank her enough for that. Years ago, when I first began my online presence in the world of Fibromyalgia support groups, I loved doing what she does now and I spent hours at it. It is not that I do not care about what you all are posting now...I do...but if I take the time with the fb page that Tracy takes...and it takes a LOT of time...I would never get anything else done! Obviously my time there, the content of my posts, etc. demonstrates just how my focus has changed over the years as I have learned more, experienced more, etc. Thankfully, Tracy came along at just the right time to pick up the fb page and be there for all of you in a way that I cannot do. In truth, she does it far better than I ever did! By the time fb came along, I was already moving on to a different focus...and we have ALL been very blessed by Tracy's devotion to Fibro Life facebook! She interacts with you all far more than I have time to. She posts things more along the line of what people come to fb to find. She is frankly ideal for the job. As for the LIVING a fibroLIFE Blog...well that is my focus. I have not developed it still as fully as I intend...but soon it will be far more than it currently is. I am about to get the move squared away and to find my niche and rhythm without Kathy. If you want articles, in depth FMS related info, tools, etc. the website/blog is the place you want to come to. But if you are looking for a "support group" atmosphere, you want Tracy at the Fibro Life fb page. In the future, there will be a bit of a change...not much...just a bit. Any questions posted requesting detailed FMS info will be sent on to me and I will address them via the blog and link it back to fb just as the blog is linked back to it now. This is just to make sure that your questions, which are very important, help drive the blog content. So, please, keep those questions coming! So, again, WELCOME HOME TRACY! Blessings to all! Meshea
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January 2020